my hedge seems to bee dying off in sections
By Davene
middlesex, United Kingdom
About a year or two ago i noticed that my hedge leaves started to get white spots/ patches on them, it then was seen that the branches seemed to have the same white spots. They then it seemed turned a black color, i looked even further and noticed that at every joint of the small brancehes there also seemed to have black/dark spots on them. i have encolsed some photos of my problem. I have cu back as much of the main branches and noticed that the main branches are dead/ have no moisture content within them. Can someone help as i need to know if i have to dig up my whole hedge and start from scratch with new plants, my hedge is at least 30 years old.
- 14 Jun, 2009
Considering the age of the hedge, I strongly suspect it is being, or has been attacked by honey fungus, which could have been in the ground for a number of years. Cut through one of the thicker branches and see if the wood has dark streaky stains. Also, have you noticed any toadstools growing under the base of your hedge? That's a sure sign, although these fruiting bodies of the honey fungus don't usually emerge until autumn. Dig down around the root area and look for long black stringy fibres. These give honey fungus it's other name 'bootlace fungus'.
If you do find honey fungus, it will be best to remove the hedge and burn it. Don't plant anything in its place for at least a year, to give the fungus chance to die off. There is a school of thought that says treat the area with paraffin, but it's very hit and miss...and it stinks!
I hope you discover that it's something a bit less dire. All the best.
14 Jun, 2009
I'd be interested to know what the plant is which forms the hedge?
14 Jun, 2009
canker i would think
15 Jun, 2009
what is canker?
20 Jun, 2009
Possibly not canker, but maybe a fungus, You see these back spots on dead/dying wood in forests etc. Dont rreally think there is much you can do, just disenfect and tools you use before going onto any ohter plants and burn dead fungus pieces.
21 Jun, 2009
14 Jun, 2009