By Tigerbarb
United Kingdom
Can you tell me the name of this flower, plant ? it growes about 3 to 4ft

28 Aug, 2012
Could be helianthus, the perennial sunflower?.
28 Aug, 2012
I thing you could be right, there are a lot of different verity's of the plant that look the same with diffrent names but im shoure you are on the right track with the information.
thank you.
28 Aug, 2012
Ox-eye daisies are white, surely? I'd say it was a Helianthus too. Is it a spreading plant? I've been pulling these out for years, but they still pop up.
29 Aug, 2012
As far as i know the ox-eye daisies are white, i have done some research on google and found the ox-eye sun flower, false sunflower (heliopsis helianthoides) are yellow so i presume this is the plant im looking for, there seems to be a lot of different names or variations of the plant. They are grown in my area, no one knowes the exact name of the plant or where it comes from ?
29 Aug, 2012
There are a lot of yellow flowers like this to chose from. Coreopsis, Helianthus, Grindelia, Heliopsis, Rudbeckia to name but a few. I find them very hard to sort out, though it helps if one can see the leaves clearly.
29 Aug, 2012
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they look like ox-eyed daisy but go to this website so you can be sure there at the verry bottom of the page
28 Aug, 2012