just sowed new grass seed has rained all day will it do any harm
By Mobee
Armagh Ireland,
sowed seed this morning but it started to rain quite heavy was wondering will it do seed any harm my garden has small slope
14 Jun, 2009
No, Mobee, it should not do any harm at all, but do keep off the area and don't rake over patches which may look as though they have more seeds than others.
14 Jun, 2009
We did it again Mac, great minds.
14 Jun, 2009
lol Doc :-)
14 Jun, 2009
thanks maccrimmon this is second time round for me made a mess of first sowing spot the nongardener lol
14 Jun, 2009
It wants to grow Mobee just give it a little help
14 Jun, 2009
many thanks doc would ave been out prob raked seeds to there death lol
14 Jun, 2009
If the rain was very heavy indeed, there is a slight risk it will have washed the seed to the bottom of the slope. This happened to me once, but it's easy to tell - when it germinates, most of it is at the lower part! If you can see some of the seed has been washed away, chuck some more down where it's gone missing, but don't walk all over it if you can avoid it.
15 Jun, 2009
thanks for advice bamboo more rain today seed has definitely slipped this growing grass is driving me mad cant get anything done{paint shed & fence} roll on green grass lol
15 Jun, 2009
I laid clear plastic ( just old plastic sand bags)over mine after it had washed down the slope a second time! Watched it closely and removed the plastic as soon as I could see it growing. It did the trick
16 Jun, 2009
Previous question
« I have a plant that I would like to seperate into two large pots. can I ?
It will be fine although you will probably need some spare seed as you may get some small 'patchy' bits growing , this happens anyway nothing to do with rain or slopes. The birds might have some of the seed
14 Jun, 2009