Any idea what this plant is?
By Jan65
North East England,
United Kingdom
It started to grow in a pot I'd put to one side last year which still had the compost in it, and as it appeared slap bang in the middle of the pot, I'm assuming that it's something I planted and which I expected to come again (hence not removing the compost). Unfortunately I've completely forgotten what it is! As it gets bigger I'm beginning to suspect it might be a fuschia, but am by no means certain. Any ideas anyone?

14 Jun, 2009
Campanula possibly.
14 Jun, 2009
It's certainly looking healthy, whatever it is. If that's a big pot (6" +) then I'd hazard a guess at Hydrangea. To be quite honest, when I first clapped eyes on it I thought it was a potato plant! But after taking another long look, that was obviously wrong. It does look a bit 'nightshade-ish' all the same.
14 Jun, 2009
I would go for Hydrangia does that jog your memory?
14 Jun, 2009
Hmmm. I DID have a hydrangea in a small pot last year that was only one stick with a flower on the top - my dad had grown it from a cutting, but it didn't do very well at all. I thought I'd got rid of it, but maybe that's it! If it is, then it's certainly a lot better than last year! Wow, I hope it is! I think the pot's about 8" diameter if that's any help. The way it's growing I'll need to repot into a larger one pretty soon. Thanks for your thoughts everyone.
14 Jun, 2009
i nearly answered this question ages ago and my first thought was hydrangea, but i thought better of it and wiped it off.
14 Jun, 2009
Yes, I think that's what it must be, and I'm ecstatic, it's so healthy looking. I've never had much success with hydrangeas before. I have just the pot for it to go into - the one that has just today been vacated by my sickly spotted laurel. Another job for tomorrow! Thanks Steve.
14 Jun, 2009
Hi jan65 the photo looks very much like a Gazania (tiger stripes)
Asteraceae compositae Treasure flower mixed colours all with stripes on petals.
15 Jun, 2009
i think you find that is her avatar picture, the picture she needs indenitfying is the big picture at the top of the replies..
15 Jun, 2009
Whoops, thank you Compost, but Stevebuk is right, it's the large picture that I'm asking for help with! But many thanks anyway!
15 Jun, 2009
Soapwort? perennial shrub, depends on weather
15 Jun, 2009
Thanks Nickyt08, but for the moment (at least until it flowers!) I'm going with hydrangea, as I don't think I've ever had a soapwort, not even sure what they are. It will be interesting to see how it grows ... and if it transforms into anything else! It started off as a euphorbia, then morphed into a fuscia, before lately transforming into a hydrangea. It's quite exciting!
15 Jun, 2009
leaves are to serrated for soapwort. hydrangea is as good a choice and as you had one .....
hope so fingers crossed.
15 Jun, 2009
not to different leaves from this, close!
16 Jun, 2009
the plant i know as soapwort isnt a shrub though. it is also called bouncing bet or Saponaria officinalis. sadly i let it out of its pot and it bounces all through the borders.
17 Jun, 2009
doesnt look like a fuchsia, but i cant give an alternative.
bet some one else can.
14 Jun, 2009