United Kingdom
Still not sure what to do about the baby figs developing now. Although I have seen advice on GOY in the past and have looked at the Figs section down below, I cannot remember or decide whether i should leave them on or remove them. Bertiefox said they will fall off in a cold winter - does this mean they should be left on in case it's a mild winter? I live in Exeter, Devon. Not that that means mild winters any more! There have been freezing temperature spells in between the general soft weather in the past three years.
In early spring this year, numerous little figs started to develop but most dropped off and i only had 2 left to ripen.
30 Aug, 2012
Thanks Steragram, I'll do that and hope for more fruit in 2013.
31 Aug, 2012
Not sure, but seem to remember that these should be left on to grow bigger next year.
30 Aug, 2012