By Monjardinlra
dear all a cherry trees problem:
if this is a multiple query from me, I do apologise but I have noticed this does seem to keep happening from various people's queries, so perhaps a website query as to why? I posted a message on 31 aug I believe concerning my cherry trees much cherished (forgive the pun) one of which seems to be dying. I've just been told locally it might be ants. I'm reluctant to believe this. I posted photos with my original query and again I thought yesterday, would hate to keep using up webspace by repeating them!
But if anyone could supply an answer, I'm trying to updated a garden. I'd be really grateful,"leave alone and treat in Spring (with bordeaux mxture, what is that, I thought it was for vines), blast and condemn the tree so it doesn't affect the other cherry tree"? (I bought these trees in memory of someone important and our childhood in France, silly isn't it and I guess I should be thankful that in 5 years of their young lives I've already had many yummy bowls of cherries...)
5 Sep, 2012
One of our ornamental malus is looking distinctly off colour, losing leaves etc all I can do is wait and see...
Have you got any lesions on the tree that are leaking sort of amber coloured sticky stuff, that you see is nasty, usually a sign of bacterial canker
5 Sep, 2012
it will only realy be ants if the trees are in a pot as the ants dig so many tunnels all the roots get disturbed and shocked . they dont mean to but it wouldnt do it in the ground . id be inclined to see what its doing next spring summer and if theres know improvement or it dies of more id get rid and get a healthy one . 2 out of 3 isnt bad . as said a lot of plants/trees etc are looking a bit rough as the nights are drawing in .
5 Sep, 2012
dear all
many thanks for your help it's idiotic of me to invest so much emotion in a tree but it was one of two that were the "little bit of me" I put in when I came here, in memory of my and my brother's French childhood among the cherry trees in the Loire valley (he died of throat cancer at 48 in 2002)
And besides, its fruits are good (don't know what variety it is, took the nurseryman's advice, wish I'd kept his label, the second one is Early Rivers I think, both have been amazingly prolific so far...)
I'll clear away the dead leaves, and keep a hawkeye going for next Spring and blast anything I see...thanks again for everyone's advice
5 Sep, 2012
your more than welcome xx .
5 Sep, 2012
I'm wondering if a mulch now for the winter then a balanced feed in the spring would help?
6 Sep, 2012
hey thanks pamg, I guess I'll do that then I will have tried. This is a garden very strange to me but I'm learning as I go along...
6 Sep, 2012
lifes all a learning curve i guess monj .
6 Sep, 2012
Previous question
I would guess multiplethings happening to the tree. The black spots are fungus but not one I would worry about this time of year. The dried out leaves could be wind damage, Caterpillars, too little water in spring etc.
As long as the tree is green underneath the bark then it will through next year - you should start to see buds.
5 Sep, 2012