By Chellebelles
United Kingdom
Hi i just recently moved. In the garden there is like an overgrown juniper conifer shrub (i think) and its all brown underneath. Could you give me some advice on why this has happened and what to do with all the brown? Also where it is overgrown it has kind of suffocated two of the conifer trees next to them. Half of the trees are all brown with no needels but the other half of the trees looks green and healthy. Does this mean the trees are half dead? If i cut away the juniper conifer shrub from the trees will those sides come back to life again? Any advice what to do please??
6 Sep, 2012
I agree . If it were me I would remove everything that looks wrong and start again with plants of my choice and start making it the garden that I want to have and enjoy.
6 Sep, 2012
also they go brown and die back anywear they dont get much sun . if you get the chance when you see a large connifer have a look between the branches and youl see that thow healthy there only realy green on the outside with the inside brown or bare .
6 Sep, 2012
No, on most conifers, I'm afraid once an area has gone dead and brown, you won't get regrowth there, although the tips may continue to grow and be green. It might be wise to consider removing them if they look half dead one side. I'd imagine the cause is insufficient room for all the conifers present, probably combined with drought some years causing needles and branches to die back.
6 Sep, 2012