what is worng with my magurittes?
By John_lock
United Kingdom
hello, i bought some large maguritte plug plants in spring and i planted them in 5 inch pots. They were growing fine with nice green leaves but now they are in flower ,the leaves have got discolourations on them, like whiteish marks, all the bottom leaves have turned brown and died off,Can anyone tell me what is worng with them, i am watering them ok and feed them with tomato feed once every two weeks. Many thanks.
On plant
- 16 Jun, 2009
If the white marks are in 'wiggly; lines then it will be leaf miner- they burrow under the leaf surface feeding on the plant esp. margurites. I get it on the plants at the nursery where i work and yours looks similar to them. Removing the brown leaves is a good idea, and also the white markes ones, but if the plant is covered in marks, this may not be good. You can but systemis sprays that will deal with leaf miners.
It looks like its inside a room, if so then the air is dry and still, which plants aren't keen on, so perhaps a partial shady spot outsied will give it a boost. part sahde as its used to indoors and it wont be as much of shock, That is if it is indoors!
16 Jun, 2009