How do I get rid of cats?
By Leyther
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me how to stop cats fouling my garden? I have tried cat repellent and chilli powder but the cat keeps returning to the same spot. It's horrible.
16 Jun, 2009
cheap ground pepper worked in my house on a kitten who kept weeing in the corner but i guess outside it would get blown or washed away you would have to keep applying. they usually sniff around before doing the bussiness and the pepper goes up their nose. the kitten shot across the room and hid in a cupboard.
16 Jun, 2009
I myself have found black plastic mesh to be a perfect solution. The holes need to be the right sort of size. I use it in places on a raised bed on top of soil, and also on shingle, partly covered by the shingle to obscure it. Cats can't dig with their paws through it to bury their poops, so they go elsewhere.
17 Jun, 2009
I used to have the same problem Leyther, until I was told by an old man that the way to keep them out was to put mothballs around the flower beds. I laughed, but being at my wits end tried it.......and it worked. Wilkinsons still sell them. Give it a try. Good Luck!
16 Jun, 2009