pretty but are they weeds or wildflowers
By Irish
these are growning in a field across from my house. they look lovely but can anyone tell me what they are?

5 May, 2008
Yes Cardamine pratensis-- we knew them as milkmaids they like damp conditions and are very attractive.Look after them.
5 May, 2008
thank you both for that information, i looked up Irish protected plants and they are not on the list, I'm amazed at how many plants are protected though, plants that used to be everywhere when i was a kid are now rare in the wild. they look lovely across the rd from me so ill leave them there, just hope the council don't decide to cut the grass anytime soon as then they will be all gone, i will take a pic tomor to show you how many there are growing in that field
5 May, 2008
They are wild flowers - used to be very common in England but less so now. They are Cardamine pratensis - commonly called Lady's Smock or Cuckoo Flower. They are protected in England! Don't know about Ireland.
5 May, 2008