By Jan65
North East England,
United Kingdom
What is the best time to plant a pyracantha? And I would like vibrant orange berries, not red or yellow - could you recommend which is the best variety for this colour? Many thanks for any suggestions!
9 Sep, 2012
Thank you Lizziebee - can you remember when you planted yours? I thought about now would be right, or maybe a bit later in September, but having just done a trawl of local garden centres (for something else) I don't remember seeing any pyracanthas for sale at the moment. Unless I just missed them.
9 Sep, 2012
Had it for years, not sure of correct time, someone more clever than me will know I'm sure.
9 Sep, 2012
Thanks Lizziebee!
9 Sep, 2012
Usually they come container grown so can be planted most of the year, avoid frozen ground though. P 'Orange Glow' might suit you.
9 Sep, 2012
Thank you Drc726!
9 Sep, 2012
Orange Glow is a popular orange one. Oh sorry Drc, just noticed you said that!
9 Sep, 2012
Thanks anyway Steragram!
10 Sep, 2012
Shouldnt be difficult to find I am sure they all have names, but not sure of them, I have the orange one, it has masses of white flowers in the spring, then a mass of orange berries for the birds in the winter.
9 Sep, 2012