By Daffy
United Kingdom
Hi looking ofr tips to care for my Osteospermumas - PS I live in Aberdeen!!!
9 Sep, 2012
Osteospermum jucundum are hardy outside though Bloomer, but you are correct in thinking that Osteospermum is not hardy as most GCs sell the non-hardy types.
I have Osteospermum jucundum which have white/pale purple flowers. I find that full sun and well draining soil keeps them over winter, so add grit if you have not already planted. Areas that water pools is not a place where it will stay over winter.
Nothing special in their care. I add some bonemeal when I planted them and some fertiliser when watering (when I remember to add feed!). Benign neglect and they flower for ever. This year they grew quite lanky and the leaves rather battered by the weather but did flower for months. They seem to grow quickly and can see them being a tad invasive in future but nothing to worry about.
9 Sep, 2012
Ah yes,Kildermorie,I hadn't thought of that variety..I dug mine up,as it was taking over,and I got fed up of splitting it....but it's a good one to neglect,if you so choose :o)...
9 Sep, 2012
They dont survive our Scottish winters but I have taken tip cuttings before and they do grow well.
Yes if you have can take them in out of frost not a greenhouse to grow on.
Good luck
10 Sep, 2012
Previous question
Do you mean for over wintering,Daffy? If so,you can take cuttings now,and keep them somewhere frost free..a cool window sill,or a Conservatory is fine.I don't think they would survive in an unheated greenhouse or cold frame,,but to be honest,I've never tried them...I also potted a couple up ,and kept them inside...all the cuttings and plants,have put on a good show this year,so I will be doing the same again anytime now...good luck..
9 Sep, 2012