having problem with my soil how can i test it
By Trocno53
Dover Kent,
United Kingdom
i'am having a lot of problem with growing anything as soon as you put any think in the soil next day gone how can i test my soil
thank you.
17 Jun, 2009
I don't think that's a problem with your soil....sounds like rabbits or deer to me. What are your trying to grow?
17 Jun, 2009
Or possible being thieved if they are near public areas
17 Jun, 2009
It could also be slugs and snails if they were small plants. Plants will die first if there is a problem with the soil, not just disappear. But you can buy soil testing kits at good garden centres or mail order.
17 Jun, 2009
Moles also...
x x x
17 Jun, 2009
Oh dear, it all sounds very disheartening! What have you got that isn't eaten?
22 Jun, 2009
Previous question
What do you mean gone Trocno53??
17 Jun, 2009