By Atticcon
United States
I live in central Alabama and have an heirloom peony that has not bloomed in the 5 years we have been at our new house. It has been watered, fertilized , is not planted too deep. Does anyone have a suggestion to coax it into bloom?
5 May, 2008
I live in zone 5 in Canada and have moved peonies a few times. I know they can't be planted deep at all, need full sun or partial shade, and well-drained but moisture-retentive, humus-rich soil (called "triple-mix" here) and in a semi-sheltered site is good too, especially if late-spring frosts might occur. Some people say you should always transplant so they are facing the same direction (N.S.E. or W.) and the same depth they were originally (if they flowered in original location). They will usually not flower the first year after they are transplanted, and fall is the best time to divide or move them. I have never had to fertilize them, and they flower beautifully year after year. Good Luck! LP
6 May, 2008