tomato plants,marmande,
By Midden
United Kingdom
I have large dahlia type flowers 1/2``in diameter on the growing point ,do I need to remove them or they male flowers ? Midden.
18 Jun, 2009
These are marmande tomato which is why I asked the question !they are not as I am used to. I repeat ONE large flower,the rest normal.Any-one got an informed idea? ! Midden.
18 Jun, 2009
19 Jun, 2009
You might find your answer about large tomato blossoms here:
I see about one or two per season on at least one plant, but it does not seem to be common to just one variety at all.
Pinch them off if you don't want a misshapen tomato.
24 Aug, 2009
I am directing her to a netsite where someone has put photos of the type of tomato blossom she describes, and where they describe the fruit that form from them from their own experience. I have had the same experience, but have no photos to show Midden.
24 Aug, 2009
24 Aug, 2009
I think you may be getting tomatoes and cucumbers mixed up. If you remove your tomato flowers you won't have any tomatoes! It's cues that have male and female flowers.
18 Jun, 2009