Where to begin?
By redchris01
Hi Everyone,
I am a real garden novice and want to learn as much as possible.
We moved house two years ago inhereted a huge beautiful mature garden here in Dentdale (Nr Sedbergh).
I have ignored the garden so far as we are renovating the property but now need to start on the garden.
I am starting a garden design course (short one) in order to familiarise myself with plant names and garden terms etc., so I have joined this forum in order to gain as much knowledge as possible.
What I would like to know is where do you start? I have absolutely no idea at all.
I am not even sure if I have put this in the right place – please forgive my ignorance.
12 Jan, 2009
Many thanks Xela,
I will start acting on your advice immediately.
I have just ordered a soil testing kit as people say that I need to know what the ph level of the soil is for planting to be successful.
I also have a problem with rabbits, but I think that they are difficult to get rid of.
Your picture is gorgeous! Is that your dog?
12 Jan, 2009
Welcome to GOY Chris. If you'd like to start your learning now, I wrote a blog last February called 'How Plants Are Named' which you may find helpful
12 Jan, 2009
Feel free to browse peoples photos and ask them questions. I have done a City and Guilds course on garden design which was really enjoyable. I am now studying RHS level 2.
There are plenty of educated people on here with a wealth of knowledge between them. Experts for everything you can think of.
Enjoy and keep us up to date.
12 Jan, 2009
Hi Chris , welcome to GOY , the people here are more than willing to answer any questions you have in a nice clear uncomplicated way so that even I can understand them :o)
12 Jan, 2009
Welcome to GoY Chris, you will find lots of friendly help and advice on here!
12 Jan, 2009
Hi, Welcome to GOY.
You're doing it the opposite way to me. - I started on the garden first and left the house till later.
12 Jan, 2009
This is the place for you. Everyone has their own fortes and a lot of knowledge and expertise is available to you, on just about any plant and gardening topic!
So, welcome and ask whatever you like someone is bound to know the answer!
12 Jan, 2009
Welcome from me as well! Don't worry if it takes a while to find your way around the site. Just ask!
We are quite friendly, really, and even though there are a lot of dogs around, they don't bite. LOL. Have fun with your garden, that's the important thing.
12 Jan, 2009
Hello Chris and welcome from me too. This is a really friendly site even if some of us are rather wacky!! LOL.
You will find lots of help. All you need to do is ask. Have a cruise around and take a look at some of the wonderful gardens on here. I'm sure you will find lots of inspiration.
And, if you feel like getting fit, make sure you check out Terratoonie's Wellie Olympic Blog. It will take you hours to scoll down through the 600+ comments. :oD
13 Jan, 2009
Dont forget the photography,map reading,history,poetry and the lovely walks in both gardens and countryside its great here so welcome and enjoy...........
13 Jan, 2009
hi Chris, and welcome, in fear of repeating - you are in the right place, i know i have found this site so rewarding in so many ways, The information, tips and advice i have recieved from other members has been second to none, and really helped me with my many projects in my own garden, Not to mention a few good laughs along the way! i am sure you will find the same. look forwards to seeing your garden pic's and sharing in your experiences - sounds like you have your work cut out for you. lol
13 Jan, 2009
Welcome to GOY hope you enjoy it, i have a son who lives in Barrow & brother-in-law & his wife live in Dolton, plus i go to quite a few garden centre's in the lakes.
13 Jan, 2009
welcome chris,
this is a great site and very friendly too. love your front garden , looks to have a die for view as well.
i had the same dilema when we moved in here 6 years ago, and only started the garden some 3 years ago.
did the pathways 1st, then dug out the lawn areas we did not want , this gave us our 'planting space'. have spent the last 2 1/2 years planting up , creating the veg patch and laying the patio.still got more work this spring , but enjoyed every minute.take a few more 'before 'photos, then we can all see your progress. have fun......steve
13 Jan, 2009
Hi and thank you all once again for the wonderful welcome!
Next time you are up this way Clarice you will have to pop inn for a coffee!
Steve a veg garden is something I would love to start, but that is in the future I still would not even know where to put a greenhouse.
Thank you all again I am already exploring the site but haven't found the Welli Olympics yet Gilli!
13 Jan, 2009
Glad you like my constant companion, he is called Jasper and is a Battersea Special .... our life together started at the Dogs' Home when he was about 11 weeks old.
Although a greenhouse is very useful and great fun it is quite time consuming (it is a time machine, time just flies by in there), it is not essential to veg growing. Indeed veg can be grown in flower beds as the original cottage gardeners used to do.
The important thing to bear in mind is to enjoy your garden, don't burn yourself out trying to do everything yesterday or taking on garden challenges. Many plants will virtually look after themselves, eg. bulbs and corms ( daffs, crocus, crocosmia etc) and perennials (cranesbill geraniums, aquilegia, japanese anemones etc), that once planted will come up every year and probably multiply
I am sure you will enjoy the Wellie Olympics, give yourself plenty of time to catch up on this treat!
14 Jan, 2009
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Hi, Chris. Welcome to GoY.
I think winter is a good time of the year to start working with a new garden. Most of the plants are dormant, you have a chance to consider the bare bones of the garden, ie. the structures and plants which form the basis of the garden's design and character. If it were me I would start by listing the trees and bushes in the 'My Garden' section on your home page. If you don't know what the plants are, take a picture of each one and post them in the 'Questions' section, there are many folk on here who will be only too pleased to help you identify them and advise on how to care for them. Personally I like to add information about each plant when I list it in 'My Garden' and 'add reminders' which appear in 'My Calendar' ,this helps me to attend to them at the right time of year. As you notice the rest of your plants starting to grow they can be added in the same way.This may help you to keep on top of the garden once it becomes really active and get to know what you have in it. I hope nurturing your garden brings you lots of pleasure and you will enjoy this friendly site.
12 Jan, 2009