New patio & planting completed!
By rozz12
My new garden is now completed; (a few more plants over time will be added no doubt!)
To all the members that helped me choose..Roses, various climbers sincere thanks!
The plants are smallish at the moment, but already looking refreshed after time in their pots!
Some of the roses….Bush… The Savoy; Just Joey; (want to get a white (bush) rose; suggestions please? (thoughts, poss. Polar star? Silver Anniversary?)
Climbing roses include..Madam Isaac Pereire; New Dawn, (yes, managed to get both in the end!); Compassion,(beautiful!); Galway Bay; Crimson glory (double, by the looks of it!)
Amongst these are several Clematis, one of which is the evergreen Clematis, Avalanche! (a white double); another Vyvyan Pennell, a lovely shade of bluey/mauve!
There are several favourite shrubs/ Viburnum, Pieris, Ribes, Ceanothus Concha etc….should look good next year? I hope so!!!
It’s been a lot of work sorting & searching; now it’s time to tie in my belt & recover financially!!!
Thanks everyone!
30 Jul, 2011
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Next post: *Ice Blue Delphiniums!
Photos pleeeeease
30 Jul, 2011
Yes definitely want to see the pics:)
30 Jul, 2011
Will post 'photies' once the plants get established!
This is just a small garden; just a concrete mud patch when I bought the house 4 years ago....much improved now!
Thanks for your replies to my blog...will be in touch!
31 Jul, 2011
Recent posts by rozz12
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- Catch up with my New Garden?
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- Catch up with my New Garden?
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9 Aug, 2009
Glad it's all working out, do you have any photos - please?
30 Jul, 2011