my red robin looks dead
By sandragne1
can you help
My red robin is dropping its leaves and generally as you can see from my photo looks as if it is dying.
6 May, 2013
i will keep you up dated.I don;t want to lose it as it belonged to my late mum and when I look at it it reminds me of her.thanks anyway
7 May, 2013
That should not have been a like, sorry. Although I cannot see your picture, 2 of mine are looking like you have described, I have over 25 of them in the garden, every year around this time, a lots of them shed old leaves, I am not usually concerned about that, but 2 of them really do not look happy, I am keeping a very close eye on them, I can see some new leaves coming up, I am just hoping the whole tree is just having a make over by itself..we shall see. Keep us posted!
6 May, 2013