bog garden
By sandygirl
I’ve ruined my garden!
Decided I wanted to tidy up the peicemeal patio. Take it all up, and relay it so it looks like it was done at the same time.
Which is what i’ve done…………..
remade the steps ( they are nearly flat!)
I’ve left an area to dig out for a bog garden and a little stream, Tony is quite looking forward to doing that (He use to be a grave digger and wants to prove he can still do it) as long as he dosnt get any ideas!
But the gravel area just out side the back door is so solid it will need a pick axe to loosen it.
Some how I wish I had not started it. Though I guess it will get done eventually. Started some chalamine seed to plant amonst the gravel today hoping by the time they are big enought to transplant I will have mastered the area!
12 Jun, 2011
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its not ruined but a work in progress.... it will look lovely once its finished .. But I totally understand the feeling of regret starting a big job that you know will take ages to finish..I get it mainly with decorating the house :)
12 Jun, 2011
What are the chalamine seeds that will go in the gravel ?
I like to see gravel gardens.
12 Jun, 2011
Think it looks good Sandy, us Goyers see things from a different angle you see. As Mad. said, its work in progress, so just keep doing little bits, put some pots here and there and in no time it will be finished.
12 Jun, 2011
Its good to have a positive outlook, yes this morning it dosnt look so bad, although another run to the tip is in order!
Its chamaemelum or Lawn Chamomile that I want to put in the gravel, there is a lot of soil with it and I want to make it smell great.
I went into a friends garden which was a small courtyard and full of just unusual herbs. Smelt great- I want one like it!
12 Jun, 2011
Aha, i've always fancied laying a chamomile lawn, Sandygirl, you can buy it in turves and lay it like ordinary grass turves.
12 Jun, 2011
I'm impressed and think it will look great:)
12 Jun, 2011
Thankyou, I'll be impressed if it ever gets done, and no I dont think you can get it turves, which means its going to be a bit fidally. I'll let you know how it goes!
Started getting some more of the slabs down today, in the rain. Couldnt stand any more 'Top gear' so left the boys to it! One more slab to go and 6 buckets of rubbish to get rid off, then I can start on the bog (sounds like i've got concepation!)
12 Jun, 2011
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it will get done and looks lovely,happy gadening
12 Jun, 2011