red robins
By sharonbutt
We have 2 topiary style ‘red robins’ which we have recently dug up as we have moved house. They had a huge root ball and so we did have to chop the roots to get them out of the ground. Since replanting in the new garden, they look very sorry for themselves and the leaves are falling off. My husband wants to dig them up and get rid of them but I want to give them a chance as they always looked so good when they were thriving. What should I do?
24 May, 2013
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Thanks for that. I did cut them back quite a bit before we moved but I could do a bit more a suppose. Good idea. I do hope they gone back. They used to be gorgeous.
25 May, 2013
A lot of timely care will have gone into shaping your 'red robins', Sharon. I hope they settle for you and recover well.
3 Jun, 2013
Thank you.
3 Jun, 2013
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1 Mar, 2008
Its a bit of a shock for them and the weather so awful too,
Did you reduce the top growth when you pruned the roots?
They won't be able to support the same leaves etc., I,d prune them back, give them a general feed ....I use a slow release fertiliser.....
then see what happens, the leaf loss could be the plants fighting to stay alive
25 May, 2013