colour in the garden
By shinobi
Everything is now starting to bloom. The wysteria is just coming out over the arbour it looks and smells lovely. The rhododenron (Linda) is covered in pink flowers and there are buds on the roses. I have planted out some of my seedlings and still have plenty left on the kitchen windowsill in case the frost gets them, but so far so good they are all growing lol. I have three different jasmine’s and they are all doing well cant wait for them to flower they are all scented. How good all this makes me feel! What a lift it gives me! Just to see something starting to grow lifts the mind and soul! How good life is, just to be in the garden!!!!!!
12 May, 2010
Previous post: my garden
I's nice to hear everything is doing so well in your garden. It really gives one a lift doesn't it. :o)
12 May, 2010
Hi cazzalyn it certainly does make you feel good!!!
13 May, 2010
Thanks Hywel nothing better to give you a lift when your a bit low is there !!!!!!
13 May, 2010
I hope you haven't had any more frost. We have rain this morning. I don't mind rain but I hate frost.
14 May, 2010
No hywel, dont think we have had anymore frost, The weather here today was lovely, sun shining and quite warm. but you never know what tomorrow brings. Hope everything is well with you in your garden!
15 May, 2010
It's as well as it can be I suppose lol. Thank you :o)
16 May, 2010
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Have to say I am the same with my garden..It does make you feel very good eh :-)
12 May, 2010