Flower Seeds Starting With N
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Seeds > N
We have found 39 flower seeds starting with n from 39 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £6.95.
Showing 21 to 40 of 39 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Nemesia Masquerade SeedsAn unusual nemesia bearing exotic-looking yellow-and-white blooms. Plants are easy to grow, ideal... |
Nemophila Insignis SeedsSpreading plants producing sky-blue flowers with white centres in summer. Lovely on rockeries and... |
New 2011 Sweet Pea Seeds CollectionCollection contains one pack each of: Aphrodite - This lovely white is a super multi-flora pro... |
New Varieties Sweet Pea Seed CollectionThe new varieties Sweet Pea Collection is a delicious combination of colours!Includes 1 packet ea... |
Nicotiana Affinis SeedsLarge, perfumed white flowers. Flowers like long trumpets, brightly coloured, throughout the summ... |
Nicotiana Evening Fragrance Mix SeedsA mixture of flesh pink, rose, red, lilac, mauve, purple and white flowers. Wonderfully fragrant,... |
Nicotiana F1 Perfume Mix SeedsA bedding/patio nicotiana with a full colour range and beautiful scent! The plants are well-branc... |
Nicotiana F1 Super Hybrid Mix SeedsA first-class nicotiana, producing masses of upward-facing flowers that stand up well to sun or r... |
Nicotiana Lime Green SeedsThe bright greenish yellow blooms are more intense than other strains and act as a good foil to h... |
Nicotiana Little Nicky SeedsDelightful in beds and patio containers this splendid blend consists of many colours and shades. ... |
Nicotiana Meercat SeedsFor a change from traditional nicotianas, why not give this one a try? Its elongated, trumpet-sha... |
Nicotiana Sensation Mixed SeedsSweetly scented with flowers that stay open all day. Popular among flower arrangers due to the br... |
Nigella Damascena Midnight Blue SeedsA unique colour, boasting extra large flowers up to 5cm (2) in diameter and lovely contrasting da... |
Nigella Damascena Persian Jewels Mix SeedsMixture of white, pink, rose-red, mauve and purple shades. Pretty, delicate foliage, and flowers ... |
Nigella Damascena Seeds Miss JekyllA traditional favourite with clear cornflower-blue blooms. Easy to grow. Pretty, delicate foliage... |
Night Scented Stock Evening Fragrance SeedsPastel coloured blooms giving a delicious evening scent. Height 30cm (12). |
Night Scented Stock Matthiola Bicornis SeedsDelicate stems of small pale lilac flowers. Easy to grow plants, giving a delicious fragrance on ... |
Nimbus Sweet Pea SeedsOne of the more unusual varieties of sweet pea the white flowers are striped with inky blue marki... |
Norman Wisdom Sweet Pea SeedsNorman Wisdom has established itself as one of the best whites for both exhibition and garden dis... |
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