Flower Seeds Starting With P
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Seeds > P
We have found 79 flower seeds starting with p from 79 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £69.95.
Showing 21 to 40 of 79 Order by: price &darr | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Pansy Colossus Neon Violet Seeds (Gro Sure)Striking deep violet with a neon blue ‘face’. This early flowering variety has upward facing blo... |
Petunia F1 Duo Double Mix SeedsEarlier flowering, more branched and compact, and more uniformly double than traditional multiflo... |
Petunia F1 Carpet Mix SeedsAptly named, this petunia has a very dwarf spreading habit. The medium-sized flowers, produced in... |
Pansy F1 Amber Kiss SeedsBright orange, scented flowers with a fiery-orange centre, heavy black 'whiskers' and a bright pu... |
Pansy F1 Mr Cool SeedsOne of the most impressive pansies in our trials, bearing very large flowers with an unusual deep... |
Petunia Grandiflora Flash Velvet Seeds (Gro Sure)Petunia Bravo has a beautiful vivid flower. It is a consistent performer that will bloom through... |
Petunia Grandiflora Bravo Cool Water (Gro Sure)Very uniform compact plants with an excellent mix of colours. Flowering is early and all colours... |
Petunia F1 Prism Sunshine SeedsFleuroselect and All American award winner. Appreciate its large, prominently veined, fade resist... |
Poppy Pizzicato Mix SeedsA breathtaking semi-dwarf mixture producing robust plants with red, orange, salmon, mauve, rose, ... |
Primrose (Cultivated) Springtide Mix SeedsAn excellent primrose bearing a profusion of early flowers in a range of pastel shades. Ideal for... |
Petunia Sweetheart SeedsA superb quality F1 grandiflora petunia producing very even plants smothered in huge pink flowers... |
Polyanthus Giant Thrill Mix SeedsWhite, yellow, red crimson and blue shades. Very hardy. Large flowers. Sensational spring colour.... |
Petunia Grand Frillytunia Mix SeedsAn exquisite petunia, whose trumpet-shaped flowers are delicately frilled. In a beautiful range o... |
Penstemon Scarlet Queen SeedsA superb, eye-catching penstemon with dark green foliage, producing large gloxinia-like, tubular ... |
Primula Denticulata Hybrids SeedsImpressive rounded heads of flowers in shades of rose, lavender, lilac and white will brighten up... |
Percy Thrower Sweet Pea SeedsLarge flowers with a delicate lilac flush carried on long strong stems. It has a superb 'old fash... |
Pansy F1 Super Hybrid Summer Flowering Mix SeedsA beautiful large-flowered mixture, in a range of dazzling shades, all with distinctive dark face... |
Pansy F1 Super Hybrid Winter Flowering Mix SeedsThese robust, free-flowering plants will brighten up your winter and spring displays with their c... |
Passion Flower Caerulea SeedsGenerally hardy in sheltered positions. Fragrant flowers in summer, pale blue with prominent stam... |
Petunia Super F1 Hybrid Mix (Multiflora) SeedsAn excellent dwarf petunia that will produce a carpet of bright flowers, in a good range of shade... |
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