Brush Cutters
Garden Centre > Power Tools & Machinery > Grass trimmers & Brush cutters > Brush cutters
We have found 207 brush cutters from 207 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £20.78 to the most expensive at £2,479.17.
Showing 201 to 220 of 207 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
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The Handy Th Hmr Traditional Hand MowerNo more dealing with petrol, fumes or tiresome mains cables - the Handy THHMR Hand-Propelled Cyli... |
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Uni Garden Ag1 350 Petrol BrushcutterDriven by a powerful 33cc (1.5hp) engine the Uni Garden AG1-350 Petrol Brushcutter is supplied wi... |
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Uni Garden Ag1 350 U Petrol Brushcutter (?U? Handle)Supplied with both a nylon-line head and a metal blade the Uni Garden AG1-350U Petrol Brushcutter... |
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Uni Garden Ag1 450 U Petrol Brushcutter ('U' Handle)Unlike most similarly priced machines the Uni Garden AG1-450U Petrol Brushcutter is equipped with... |
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Victus Vb260 Straight Shaft Petrol Brush Cutter Triple Bonus OfferWith the Victus Triple Bonus Offer you get: * 3 times longer life * 3 year guarantee * 3 free ac... |
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Victus Vb260 Straight Shaft Petrol Brushcutter + Free Pro Poly Face Screen Wi...You can also order the Victus VB260 petrol brushcutter with the following included in the price: ... |
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Victus Vb260 Straight Shaft Petrol Brushcutter + Pro Poly Face Screen With Ea...The Victus VB260 Petrol Brushcutter features cowhorn handlebars for increased comfort and a faste... |
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