Garden Centre > Garden & Growing Essentials > Plant supports > Obelisks
We have found 29 obelisks from 29 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £15.95 to the most expensive at £101.58.
Showing 21 to 40 of 29 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Poppyforge Hampton Obelisk 5ftUse this Poppyforge Hampton Obelisk - 5ft to add height and structure to your garden while provid... |
Poppyforge Hampton Obelisk 6ftUse this Poppyforge Hampton Obelisk - 6ft to add height and structure to your garden while provid... |
Poppyforge Hampton Obelisk 8ftUse this Poppyforge Hampton Obelisk - 8ft to add height and structure to your garden while provid... |
Poppyforge Large Ball Top For ObelisksThis Poppyforge Large Ball Top for Obelisks adds an attractive finishing touch to your climbing p... |
Poppyforge Large Cage Top For ObelisksThis Poppyforge Large Cage Top for Obelisks adds an attractive finishing touch to your climbing p... |
Poppyforge Mini Tower Obelisk 140cmThis Poppyforge Mini Tower Obelisk helps keep climbers under control and adds a touch of antique ... |
Poppyforge Traditional Tower Obelisk 6ftThis Poppyforge Traditional Tower Obelisk - 6ft helps keep climbers under control and adds a touc... |
Poppyforge Traditional Tower Obelisk 7ftThis Poppyforge Traditional Tower Obelisk - 7ft helps keep climbers under control and adds a touc... |
Poppyforge Traditional Tower Obelisk 8ftThis Poppyforge Traditional Tower Obelisk - 8ft helps keep climbers under control and adds a touc... |
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