Shrubs Starting With M
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > M
We have found 102 shrubs starting with m from 102 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £9.99 to the most expensive at £75.00.
Showing 41 to 60 of 102 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Magnolia Stellata 'Water Lily'large flowers with more numerous petals than other varieties |
Magnolia Wilsonii (Magnolia)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, well-drained soil. More tolerant of alkali... |
Magnolia X Loebneri 'Leonard Messel' (Magnolia)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: any moist, well-drained soil, including chalk <br... |
Magnolia X Soulangeana 'Alba' (Magnolia)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, well-drained, acidic soil <br/> Rate of gr... |
Magnolia X Soulangeana (Magnolia)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, well-drained, acidic soil <br/> Rate of gr... |
Magnolia X Loebneri 'Mag's Pirouette'a seedling from Ballerina with lovely small flowers. The outer tepals are shorter than the inner ... |
Magnolia X Soulangeana 'Alexandrina'vigorous form with dark purplish pink flowers which are white on the inside of the petals |
Magnolia X Soulangeana 'Old Port'our vote as the best new magnolia to flower in 2011. Wine-purple petals on the outside, white ins... |
Magnolia X Soulangeana 'satisfaction'exceptionally large fragrant red-pink flowers in April and May. Petals are red-pink outside and w... |
Magnolia X Soulangeana 'sundew'large creamy white flowers flushed slightly pink at the base |
Magnolia X Wieseneri<i>(watsoni)</i> - saucer-shaped flowers which are white with crimson stamens. Differs from sinen... |
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