Shrubs Starting With M
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > M
We have found 102 shrubs starting with m from 102 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £9.99 to the most expensive at £75.00.
Showing 61 to 80 of 102 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Magnolia X Wieseneri 'Ashild Kalleberg'bred in Gothenburg Botantic Gardens, this form is exceptionally hardy with pure white cup-shaped ... |
Mahonia 'Cabaret (Pbr)' (Mahonia)Position: full sun to partial shade <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist or well-dra... |
Mahonia Aquifoliuma valuable suckering plant for underplanting in dense shade |
Mahonia AquifoliumOregon grape (Mahonia aquoifolium) Available within 2 weeks Small shrub with pinnate green leaves... |
Mahonia Aquifolium 'Apollo'a spreading bush with dense clusters of bright yellow flowers |
Mahonia Fortuneislender, erect species with distinctive matt green leaflets. Bright yellow flowers |
Mahonia Japonicayellow flowers, sweet scented like Lily of the Valley, good autumn colour |
Mahonia Japonica 'Bealei'Leatherleaf mahonia (Mahonia japonica 'Bealei') Available within 2 weeks An evergreen, upright sh... |
Mahonia Japonica 'Bealei'bluish green leaves spotted yellow and white at the base. Very fragrant light yellow flowers |
Mahonia Nervosasuckering species. Leaves often turn red in winter when grown in full sun. Not suitable on chalk |
Mahonia Nitensglossy green pinnate leaves which have an attractive coppery-red colour when young. Erect racemes... |
Mahonia X Media 'Charity'large pinnate foliage and yellow flowers NOV onwards |
Mahonia X Media 'Charity' (Mahonia)Position: full or partial shade <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist or well-drained... |
Mahonia X Media 'Winter Sun' (Mahonia)Position: full or partial shade <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist or well-drained... |
Maytenus Boariafine toothed shiny leaves similar to Phillyrea latifolia. Tiny green flowers on this unusual and ... |
Melaleuca Armillarisnarrow linear leaves and white flowers in cylindrical inflorescences |
Melaleuca Diosmifoliaa striking shrub in flower with green bottlebrush spikes in spring and summer. Full sun or shade |
Melianthus MajorHoney bush (Melianthus major) Available within 2 weeks Blood red to chocolate flowers with exotic... |
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