Shrubs Starting With M
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > M
We have found 102 shrubs starting with m from 102 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £9.99 to the most expensive at £75.00.
Showing 81 to 100 of 102 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Melianthus Majorhandsome architectural evergreen for the herbaceous border in milder climates. Bluish green pinna... |
Meliosma Cuneifolia<i>(M.splendens)</i> - very rare large shrub or small tree with attractive foliage and small yell... |
Metrosideros 'Twisty'distinctive leaves which are brightly variegated cream-yellow in the centre and bright deep green... |
Metrosideros Excelsa 'Parnell'bright orange-red flowers and large green leaves |
Metrosideros Kermadecensis 'Red And Gold'leaves are variegated deep green with bright yellow margins. Distinctive red stems on the young n... |
Metrosideros Kermadecensis 'Variegata'compact growing plant with attractive white variegated foliage and scarlet flowers |
Metrosideros Umbellataone of the hardiest species which will thrive outside in Cornwall. Coppery young leaves and brigh... |
Michelia Crassipespurplish-red or dark purple flowers which are highly scented |
Michelia Doltsopa 'silver Cloud'vigorous habit with heavily felted brown undersides to the leaves and plentiful creamy-white scen... |
Michelia Figosmall dark glossy green leaves and brownish-purple flowers which smell of pear drops |
Michelia X Foggii 'Jack Fogg'a hybrid between M. doltsopa and M. figo. Strong spicy white flowers tinged purplish pink at the ... |
Microbiota Decussatadense prostrate coniferous shrub which is extremely hardy and comes from Siberia. Foliage turns b... |
Mitraria Coccineacrisp green foliage, orange-red tubular flowers. Can be used as a trailing or a climbing plant |
Mitraria Coccinea 'Lake Puyehue'free-flowering form with rich scarlet flowers. Very hardy |
Myrtus Communis Subsp. Tarentinaa compact rounded bush with needle-like leaves and creamy-white scented flower |
Myrtus Communis Subsp.Tarentina (Myrtle)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: average ... |
Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' (Mock Orange)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth... |
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