Shrubs Starting With R
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > R
We have found 146 shrubs starting with r from 146 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £7.50 to the most expensive at £25.00.
Showing 121 to 140 of 146 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Rhododendron Serpyllifoliumthe smallest leafed rhododendron which is really a mini azalea.Tiny rose-pink flowers |
Rhododendron Sinograndelargest leafed rhododendron with huge trusses of creamy yellow flowers |
Rhododendron Valentinianumcompact growing species with buttercup yellow bell-shaped flowers |
Rhododendron Williamsianuma profusion of bell-shaped pink flowers. The bush forms an attractive rounded mound in maturity |
Rhododendron Yakushimanumcompact bush, buds strawberry pink fading to white F.C.C. form |
Rhododendron 'Endsleigh Pink'a profusion of mid-pink flowers in large trusses |
Rhododendron Edgeworthiiwhite flowers tinged pink with a rich scent. Bullate leaves with fawn indumentum |
Rhododendron Oldhamiihairy young shoots on this azalea like species and brick red flowers in MAY |
Rhododendron 'Princess Anne'dense habit and flowers which are greenish in bud opening pale yellow |
Rhododendron 'saint Merryn'spreading habit but dwarf with deep violet-blue flowers |
Rhododendron Campylogynumsingle rose-purple bell-shaped waxy flowers on this attractive rockery plant |
Rhododendron 'Mrs T.H. Lowinsky'hardy hybrid with lilac flowers spotted brown-orange |
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