Buy Plants In The Astelia Genus
Buy Plants In The Astelia Genus
We have found 7 plants belonging to the astelia genus from 2 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £6.99 to the most expensive at £13.50.
Currently viewing genus Astelia (list all genera)
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Astelia Banksiinarrower silver-green leaves than A. chathamica. Dense clump-forming plant which is frost hardy a... |
Astelia Chathamica 'silver Spear'Silver Spear (Astelia chathamica) Available within 2 weeks Clump forming with leathery, arching, ... |
Astelia Chathamica 'silver Spear'striking silver, sword-like foliage, an excellent architectural plant for a patio tub or to light... |
Astelia Chathamica 'silver Spear'Available within 2 weeks Treasured for it’s foliage, Silver Spear has elegant, silvery spear shap... |
Astelia Fragransa green astelia with tough upright arching stems. Can cover a square metre. Grows up to 3 or 4 f... |
Astelia Grandisstiff upright leaves which form a dense clump. Grows to 4 or 5 feet |
Astelia Nervosa 'Red Devil'silvery-reddish-brown leaves with small white flowers |
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