Buy Plants In The Aucuba Genus
Buy Plants In The Aucuba Genus
We have found 9 plants belonging to the aucuba genus from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £7.95 to the most expensive at £11.50.
Currently viewing genus Aucuba (list all genera)
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Aucuba Variegata X 1 LitreThis very versatile premium evergreen shrub has wonderful speckled leaves and small clusters of r... |
Aucuba Japonica 'Crotonifolia' (Japanese Spotted Laurel)Position: full sun to full shade <br/> Soil: any garden soil (except waterlogged soils) <br/> Rat... |
Aucuba Japonica 'Crotonifolia'Spotted laurel (Aucba japonica 'Crotonifolia') Available within 2 weeks Boldly mottled yellow lea... |
Aucuba Japonica 'Rozannie'Japanese Laurel (Aucba japonica 'Rozannie') Available within 2 weeks Green leaves, very free flow... |
Aucuba Japonica 'Variegata'Spotted laurel (Aucba japonica 'Crotonifolia') Available within 2 weeks Speckled yellow leaves. -... |
Aucuba Japonica 'Golden Spangles'striking golden variegation (female form) |
Aucuba Japonica 'Rozannie'compact growing hermaphrodite variety with deep purple flowers and bright red long drooping berries |
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