Paeonia Red (Tree Peony / Tree Paeony)
Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs > T

Position: full sun or partial shade
Soil: fertile, moisture-retentive yet well-drained
Rate of growth: vigorous
Flowering period: April to May
Hardiness: fully hardy
Tree peonies, the Chinese national flower, are enjoying a revival. Prized for their blowsy, glamourous blooms and glossy, deeply cut foliage, peonies are held in deep affection by many gardeners, despite their short flowering season and vulnerability to peony wilt in damp weather. It's easy to see why. This tree or shrub peony erupts with fiery red, sometimes scented, semi-double flowers in late spring and early summer. With its handsome, deeply cut foliage and vivid, enormous flowers, it makes a stunning focal plant for a sunny border. Try planting early spring bulbs around the base to prolong the season of interest.Garden care: Protect from cold winds and early morning sun. Support the branches of young shrubs with canes to prevent the massive flowerheads from being battered by rain. Tree peonies are hungry feeders, so ensure that container-grown specimens receive a top-dressing of a slow-release fertiliser in spring. In the border apply a top-dressing of a balanced, slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant in early spring and mulch with well-rotted garden compost or manure. If the plant shows signs of collapse or the leaves become spotty, this may be a symptom of peony botrytis. Remove affected leaves immediately. In the autumn, cut off all of the foliage and dispose of it to avoid reinfection the following spring. The older stems of tree peonies have a tendency to become brittle and snap, so cut these back to the ground in autumn every two or three years.
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