Erigeron Karvinskianus (Mexican Fleabane)
Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials > M

Position: full sun
Soil: fertile, well-drained soil
Rate of Growth: average
Flowering period: June to October
Hardiness: fully hardy
Masses of small daisies, emerging white, then turning pink, with yellow centres, give this plant an unusual, two-tone effect. It has a long flowering period, from May to October, and is amazingly versatile, being low-growing, happy in sun or partial shade and thriving in any well-drained soil. It's also tolerant of coastal conditions. Try it as an edging plant in a mixed border, alongside paths, in a gravel garden, spilling over walls, or planted in the cracks in paving. Bees and butterflies love all erigerons, so they make a wonderful addition to a wildlife garden, too. Garden care: Trouble free. Cut back the flowered stems to ground level in early spring. Lift and divide large clumps every second or third year, discarding the woody crowns.
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