Soft Fruit Collection
Garden Centre > Plants > Fruit plants & trees

This great value collection of soft fruit contains:- Blackcurrant Ben Connan x 1 plant - A splendid variety and a hybrid between Ben Sarek and Ben Lomond, producing a heavy crop of large, delicious fruit. A superb variety from the Scottish Crop Research Institute, it continues the trend towards breeding to avoid the use of chemicals in being resistant to Leaf Curling Midge, American Gooseberry Mildew and Leaf Spot, all common ailments of Blackcurrants. Shows good frost resistance too. Royal Horticultural Society 'Award of Garden Merit' winner.- Redcurrant Rovada x 1 plant - The fruit is large and luscious, and is produced in profusion on huge 'strigs', from mid July and through August - producing up to 2.7kg (6 lb) from a single mature plant in a season. Ideal for freezing. If you only have room for one Redcurrant it has to be this one! Grown from certified stock.- Gooseberry Hinnonmaki Red x 1 plant - A first-class gooseberry which reliably produces heavy crops of very large, superbly flavoured, rich red fruits. And the vigorous plants are resistant to powdery mildew, making them easier to grow than traditional gooseberries. Fruits June to mid July.- Rhubarb Stockbridge Arrow x 1 - With its good deep red colour, arrow-shaped leaves and high quality, thick stems (up to 60cm [2'] long when forced), this is an excellent variety. Yorkshire bred, it produces a heavy crop with very few thin or waste sticks. One of the most sought-after ingredients in the kitchen!- Strawberry Elegance x 12 plants - A mid to late season strawberry, bred at East Malling, which was the highest yielding variety in many trials. Berries are firm, conical, glossy orange/red, sweet and juicy, and plants are tolerant of Crown Rot and Verticillium Wilt.- Raspberry Autumn Bliss x 5 plants - Very long fruiting season - mid August to November is not uncommon! Large conical fruit with a lovely sweet flavour. Produces up to three times more fruit than similar varieties. Crops in the year of planting!LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE.
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