Efco Ar53 Tk Professional Self Propelled Lawnmower (With Aluminium ...
Garden Centre > Lawnmowers > Petrol Mowers > Rotary Petrol Mowers

Whether you're a professional contractor or simply a homeowner maintaining substantial grounds you should certainly consider adding the commercial-spec Efco AR53-TK to your garden-armoury. Key amongst its multitude of premium features is its aluminium cutter deck which confers unbeatable strength durability and rust-resistance while giving the mower a lightweight feel. It's a three-in-one deck that allows you to choose between bagging; mulching; or rear-discharging cut grass; thereby ensuring a wide-range of grass-types can be effectively managed. The rear-wheel power-drive on this model makes it possible to mow on the sort of steep slopes and bumpy tussocky ground that would defeat a less well-equipped hand-push machine. It has a dedicated mulching-blade which finely shreds clippings so that they take-up less space in the high-volume 75-litre fabric grassbag; and it features simple height-of-cut adjustment by way of a single front-mounted knob (there are no pre-set cutting-heights - you can make adjustments in infinite increments). Power is delivered by a premium-grade Emak overhead-valve engine with an impressive 196cc cylinder capacity. As you'd expect from an OHV-type unit it's quiet in operation; clean-running; and uses relatively little fuel. The Efco AR53-TK Professional Self-propelled Lawnmower has a 51cm cut; the perfect size for lawns around 2400m2.
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