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Forest Garden Large Overlap Cold Frame W3.5ft X D2ft

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Forest Garden Large Overlap Cold Frame - W3.5ft x D2ft

Forest Garden Large Overlap Cold Frame W3.5ft X D2ft


From Green Fingers

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The impressive Large Overlap Cold Frame from Forest has a generous amount of room that will house any plants that are ready to be moved out of the greenhouse and into your garden.Cold frames are used as the stepping stone for young plants between growing in a greenhouse to being transferred outdoors: if a plant is moved straight outside into the cold it can stunt its growth so a cold frame is a great way to ease it into life in the cold.The cold frame is manufactured using an overlap construction that allows for flexibility and movement of the timber during changing temperatures. The timber used has been pressure treated to give it a 15-year guarantee against rot.The acrylic glazing of this cold frame is a safer alternative to glass that still lets plenty of light and warmth through. The two independently opening lids each have a prop so you can work without completely opening the cold frame and exposing your plants. Dimensions: Overall (including overhangs): W109 x D63 x H37cm&n...

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