Veg Plants
Garden Centre > Plants > Veg plants
We have found 367 veg plants from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £2.95 to the most expensive at £42.99.
You can narrow your choice by - *Mixed Veg, Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Bean, Beetroot, Broccoli, Brussels, Cabbage, Calabrese, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chard, Chilli, Courgette, Kale, Leek, Lettuce, Mushroom, Onion, Pepper, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, Shallot, Sprout, Squash, Sweet, Sweetcorn, Tomato.
Showing 241 to 260 of 367 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Greenhouse Tomato Plant Collection 9 PlantsOur Greenhouse Tomato Collection includes 3 plants each of:Garden Pearl - A high-yielding self-br... |
Greenhouse Plant Collection X12 PlantsOur Greenhouse Plant Collection contains 3 Plants each of:Aubergine Black Beauty - Produces a goo... |
Outdoor Tomato Collection (9 Plants)Buy Outdoor Tomato Collection and you will receive 9 plants saving £3.00! 3 plants of each: -Tr... |
Greenhouse Tomato Plant CollectionSAVE £4.00!Greenhouse Tomato collection contains 3 plants each of: Garden Pearl - Specially bred... |
Leek Musselburgh PlantsA popular mid-season variety that is very hardy and produces thick short stems packed full of fla... |
Early Brassica Plant Collection 48 PlantsWe've stolen a march on 'Mother Nature' by sowing seed of 3 specially selected varieties in the a... |
Onion Sturon PlantsOnion Sturon have become a great favourite with our customers who want earlier larger onions. A... |
Leek Musselburgh Plants X45Musselburgh is a mid-season mild-flavoured leek with short thick white stems. It’s extremely wint... |
Leek Sevilla Plants X45This variety produces high yields of good length leeks over a long harvest period. Perfect for h... |
Leek Musselburgh Plants X45A popular mid-season variety that is very hardy and produces thick short stems packed full of fla... |
Leek Sevilla Plants X45Sevilla has an erect habit with good shank length. From a successful sowing it gives a long har... |
Winter Veg Plants CollectionThree first-class veg varieties have been selected that can be picked regularly all through the w... |
Winter Veg Salad Plants CollectionThree excellent varieties that can be picked continuously throughout winter. Ideal for salads or ... |
Courgette Plants Twin PackTwin Pack contains 6 plants (3 of each variety): F1 Partenon Ideal for a small garden or greenhou... |
Pepper Chilli Plants CollectionSix superb different coloured chilli pepper varieties to add to salads, salsas and cooked dishes.... |
Sweet Potato BeauregardSweet potatoes have traditionally been grown from slips, but quality can be poor and results disa... |
Grow Bag Plants CollectionCollection contains: 2 each of Alicante (medium-fruited), Sweet Million (bite-sized) and Beefeate... |
Chilli Plant CollectionEasy to grow in a greenhouse or conservatory you might like to try growing your favourite as an a... |
Jerusalem Artichoke Common 25 TubersKnobbly and irregular in shape with pale purply-brown skin. Scrub and boil or steam until tende... |
Grafted Tomato Sakura Plants X3Grafted Tomato Sakura -High yielding and one of the tastiest cherry tomatoes available Grafted T... |
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