Veg Plants
Garden Centre > Plants > Veg plants
We have found 367 veg plants from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £2.95 to the most expensive at £42.99.
You can narrow your choice by - *Mixed Veg, Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Bean, Beetroot, Broccoli, Brussels, Cabbage, Calabrese, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chard, Chilli, Courgette, Kale, Leek, Lettuce, Mushroom, Onion, Pepper, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, Shallot, Sprout, Squash, Sweet, Sweetcorn, Tomato.
Showing 261 to 280 of 367 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Grafted Tomato Shirley Plants X3Grafted tomato Shirley-Established variety giving heavy crops of standard sized tasty fruits. Gr... |
Grafted Tomato Velocity Plants X3Grafted Tomato Velocity- Good Crops of large meaty dark red fruits. Average fruit weighs 220grams... |
Grafted Tomato Taster Pack 3 PlantsGrafted Tomato Taster Kit consists of 3 plants 1 each of: -Tomato Sakura- Deliciously sweet che... |
Grafted Tomato Sakura Plants X3Grafted Tomato Plants For Stronger Plants Higher Yieldsand Greater Disease Resistance Many of u... |
Grafted Tomato Shirley Plants X3Grafted Tomato Plants For Stronger Plants Higher Yieldsand Greater Disease Resistance Many of u... |
Grafted Tomato Velocity Plants X3Grafted Tomato Plants For Stronger Plants Higher Yieldsand Greater Disease Resistance Many of u... |
Grafted Tomato Taster Pack Plants X3Grafted Tomato Plants For Stronger Plants Higher Yieldsand Greater Disease Resistance Many of u... |
Tomato PowerfoodA unique balance of rapidly soluble nutrients, with natural seaweed extract to promote heavy, hea... |
Dwarf French Bean Plants F1 MascotteBred by our own group, this french bean is well adapted to growing in windowboxes and pots. It pr... |
Dwarf French Bean Plants SafariStraight, very slender round dark green stringless pods about 11-12cm (41/2-5) in length. Dwarf v... |
Cucumber Grafted Plants FitnessAn outstanding cucumber, producing tasty dark green fruits of excellent quality and length. Ideal... |
Cucumber Grafted Plants IznikThis superb 'all-female' variety produces a high yield of 'snack-sized' fruits with smooth skin a... |
Melon Grafted Plants Sienne F1This superb melon will produce a good crop of fruits, around 1kg in weight, whose fragrant orange... |
Onion Plants F1 SanteroA superb early maincrop variety producing a heavy crop of delicious onions. Shows good resistance... |
Runner Bean Plants MoonlightThis outstanding runner bean produces masses of flowers with excellent self-pollination character... |
Tomato Grafted Plants GiuliettaBred by our own group, this large-fruited Italian plum variety performed superbly in last year's ... |
Tomato Grafted Plants JuanitaA vigorous-growing cherry variety producing long, fishbone-shaped trusses of shiny red, delicious... |
Tomato Grafted Plants LipsoA very tasty oval cherry type tomato with a high sugar concentration. Its vigorous growth habit a... |
Tomato Grafted Plants F1 LizzanoThis is the most resistant variety to late blight (the scourge of outdoor tomatoes) that we have ... |
Tomato Grafted Plants Tomatoberry GardenA unique variety producing strawberry-shaped fruit with a super sweet flavour! Early to ripen, it... |
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