Veg Plants
Garden Centre > Plants > Veg plants
We have found 367 veg plants from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £2.95 to the most expensive at £42.99.
You can narrow your choice by - *Mixed Veg, Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Bean, Beetroot, Broccoli, Brussels, Cabbage, Calabrese, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chard, Chilli, Courgette, Kale, Leek, Lettuce, Mushroom, Onion, Pepper, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, Shallot, Sprout, Squash, Sweet, Sweetcorn, Tomato.
Showing 361 to 380 of 367 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Asparagus CollectionMouth-watering asparagus tips are still considered something of a luxury vegetable, and the super... |
Salad Bag Collection (Vegetable Plug Plant Collection)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: humus-rich, moisture retentive soil <br/> Rate of growth: fast <br... |
Asparagus Crown Plants GijnlimThis outstanding variety has been a consistent top performer in recent trials, out-yielding other... |
Asparagus Crowns Twin PackSAVE ?5.95 on this Twin Pack comprising of 20 Crowns (10 of each variety):Gijnlim - This outstand... |
Asparagus Crowns Purple PassionAn excellent addition to any asparagus planting, Purple Passion produces a bountiful harvest of v... |
Gourmet Selection 1 (Vegetable Plug Plant Collection)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: humus-rich, moisture retentive soil <br/> Rate of growth: fast <br... |
Gourmet Selection 2 (Vegetable Plug Plant Collection)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: humus-rich, moisture retentive soil <br/> Rate of growth: fast <br... |
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