Veg Plants
Garden Centre > Plants > Veg plants
We have found 367 veg plants from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £2.95 to the most expensive at £42.99.
You can narrow your choice by - *Mixed Veg, Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Bean, Beetroot, Broccoli, Brussels, Cabbage, Calabrese, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chard, Chilli, Courgette, Kale, Leek, Lettuce, Mushroom, Onion, Pepper, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, Shallot, Sprout, Squash, Sweet, Sweetcorn, Tomato.
Showing 41 to 60 of 367 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Pepper Chilli Grafted Plants F1 MedinaA strong-growing chilli pepper that will provide you with a plentiful supply of top quality chill... |
Cucumber Grafted Plants IznikThis superb 'all-female' variety produces a high yield of 'snack-sized' fruits with smooth skin a... |
Melon Grafted Plant Sienne F1This superb melon will produce a good crop of fruits, around 1kg in weight, whose fragrant orange... |
Tomato Grafted Plant GiuliettaBred by our own group, this large-fruited Italian plum variety performed superbly in last year's ... |
Seed Potatoes Purple Majesty 1kg (Maincrop)The potato that everyone is talking about! It has the taste and texture of an ordinary variety, b... |
Seed Potatoes Maris Piper 1kg (Maincrop)A reliable general purpose choice producing cream-fleshed tubers that show good resistance to eel... |
Seed Potatoes King Edward 1kg (Maincrop)This old favourite needs good soil to do well and crops are more modest than some but its well wo... |
Seed Potatoes Desiree 1kg (Maincrop)A firm favourite which boasts fine flavoured pale yellow flesh. It can become very large and slig... |
Seed Potatoes Cara 1kg (Maincrop)High yields of large, round tubers with excellent resistance to disease. Boil, mash, saute, bake ... |
Seed Potatoes International Kidney 1kg (Salad)A second early/early maincrop seed potato variety, a selection of which is grown on Jersey and ma... |
Seed Potatoes Charlotte 1kg (Salad)A latish first early, producing good crops of medium sized oval tubers that are waxy when young a... |
Seed Potatoes Anya 1kg (Salad)An early variety with a fine nutty taste and long tubers which do not have the awkward branches t... |
Seed Potatoes Vivaldi 1kg (Second Early)High yields of cream-fleshed potatoes that are lower in carbohydrates and calories than other var... |
Seed Potatoes Maris Peer 1kg (Second Early)A familiar second early producing a large crop of round, small/medium, white-fleshed tubers that ... |
Seed Potatoes Kestrel 1kg (Second Early)A cream-fleshed potato with a wonderful old fashioned taste, which absorbs less fat when it is co... |
Seed Potatoes Bonnie 1kg (Second Early)These even-sized seed potato tubers are a must for any serious show bench exhibitor. They have br... |
Seed Potatoes Rocket 1kg (First Early)A very early, heavy-cropping variety. The pure white flesh is quite soft and waxy and delicious w... |
Seed Potatoes Red Duke Of York 1kg (First Early)This heritage variety is one of the few red-skinned, cream-fleshed earlies. It has a fine flavour... |
Seed Potatoes Pentland Javelin 1kg (First Early)A popular early variety that is favoured for its tasty, white, waxy-fleshed tubers. New, boil, st... |
Seed Potatoes Foremost 1kg (First Early)An old favourite, introduced by Suttons over fifty years ago. The round, white-fleshed tubers are... |
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