Veg Plants
Garden Centre > Plants > Veg plants
We have found 367 veg plants from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £2.95 to the most expensive at £42.99.
You can narrow your choice by - *Mixed Veg, Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Bean, Beetroot, Broccoli, Brussels, Cabbage, Calabrese, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chard, Chilli, Courgette, Kale, Leek, Lettuce, Mushroom, Onion, Pepper, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, Shallot, Sprout, Squash, Sweet, Sweetcorn, Tomato.
Showing 361 to 380 of 367 Order by: price &darr | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Tomato Moneymaker X3 Plants (Cordon)A Popular Old Favourite Moneymaker is a traditional variety that has been the top choice of gard... |
Tomato Gardener's Delight X3 Plants (Cordon)Outdoor crop. An exceptionally sweet and delicious outdoor cherry tomato. Each bite sized fruit i... |
Tomato Tropical Ruby Plants X3 (Bush)Small superbly sweet baby 'plum' tomatoes produced in abundance. Can be grown as a bush-type or... |
Onion Sets: Sturon (Heat Prepared)An excellent maincrop variety producing high quality medium-sized juicy-fleshed bulbs. Good yiel... |
Onion Sets: Stuttgarter StanfieldThis new selection of Stuttgart has a greatly improved yellow skin quality. It has a sweet smoot... |
Onion Sets: Sturon (Regular)A traditional semi-globe variety with good skin quality and uniform shape which means that it wil... |
Unwins Autumn Gold OnionsUnwins Autumn Gold - Slow to Bolt and a Good Keeper Despite its name Autumn Gold is an excellent... |
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