Flower Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Bulbs
We have found 848 flower bulbs from 7 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £2.49 to the most expensive at £57.99.
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Showing 61 to 80 of 848 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Iris Reticulata JoyceBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Golden Beauty Iris X Hollandica BulbsThe sheer depth of colour in the petals of this selection makes it a big improvement on a normal ... |
Iris ReticulataBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Anemone NemorosaOur native 'Wood Anemone' but not so widely found in the wild now. Does well in the garden in da... |
Crocus Chrysanthus Blue PearlThese diminutive spring flowering Crocus provide masses of colour! This popular variety produces... |
Scilla Sibercia BulbsEach bulb will produce 3 or 4 stems each carrying up to five flowers. As you might expect given ... |
Silver Beauty Iris X Hollandica BulbsThe coolest of co-ordinated colours mark this one out as mabe being the best for cutting to displ... |
Oriental Beauty Iris X Hollandica BulbsRedolent of the pastel colours in fine chinese silks this tri-coloured variety is well named. Fl... |
Iris Histrioides GeorgeProduces very large plum purple fragrant flowers the falls being somewhat darker and attractively... |
Iris Reticulata MixedOur specially blended balanced mixture of many varietites will produce a dazzling display very ea... |
Narcissus February Gold CyclamineusAs its name suggests this is one of the earliest to flower often from mid/late February in the So... |
Cream Beauty Iris X Hollandica BulbsThe ritch butter-yellow markings on the falls contrast nicely with smooth creamy-white standards. |
Narcissus Jetfire CyclamineusA strong growing Narcissus which is quick to establish and multiply. Produces golden-yellow full... |
Tulip Van Tubergen's Variety Praestans‘Botanical Tulips' is the term generally used to describe selections and hybrids of the more impo... |
Tulip SaxatilisWhilst most Tulipa species don't really do that well in a domestic garden where it is not easy to... |
Tulip Batalinii Bright GemWhilst most Tulipa species don't really do that well in a domestic garden where it is not easy to... |
Narcissus Carlton Large CuppedThe perfect ‘Golden Daffodil' and one of the best for naturalizing. Widely cultivated for commer... |
Chionodoxa LuciliaeVery early to flower - in its native habit in the mountainous regions of Turkey it literally appe... |
Anemone Blanda Blue ShadesA nice blend of different shades of blue from pale to dark and all with that pretty contrasting c... |
Iris Reticulata Violet BeautyBest grown at the front of a sunny border or in patio pots so that the beauty of the falls (the 3... |
Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?
For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on autumn bulbs.
- Louise1
- Spritzhenry
- Gardengnome
- Louise1
- Shirley_tulip
- Stripes
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