Bamboos, Grasses & Ferns
Garden Centre > Plants > Bamboos, Grasses & Ferns
We have found 176 bamboos, grasses & ferns from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £4.99 to the most expensive at £52.00.
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Showing 121 to 140 of 176 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Stipa Gigantea (Golden Oats)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, medium to light, well-drained soil <br/> Rat... |
Miscanthus Sinensis 'Zebrinus' (Zebra Grass)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, moist, well drained or sandy <br/> Rate of growth: averag... |
Cortaderia Selloana 'Pumila' (Pampas Grass)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: average Floweri... |
Eragrostis Curvula 'Totnes Burgundy' (Love Grass)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: medium to light, poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil <... |
Cyrtomium Fortunei (Fortune's Cyrtomium)Position: partial to full shade <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-draine... |
Cortaderia Selloana 'Pumila'Pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana 'pumila') Available within 2 weeks Green sharp edged sword like... |
Panicum Virgatum 'Heavy Metal' (Switch Grass)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of Growth: averag... |
Miscanthus Sinensis 'Yaku Jima'(Miscanthus sinensis 'Yaku Jima') Available within 2 weeks with very fine green leaves, this clum... |
Cortaderia Selloana 'White Feather'White Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana 'White Feather') Available within 2 weeks White feathery ... |
Hakonechloa Macra 'Alboaurea' (Golden Hakonechloa)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moist but well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth:... |
Bamboo Pleioblastus Variegatus<I>(Arundinaria fortunei)</I> - low tufted species forming dense thickets. Suitable for rock gard... |
Miscanthus Sinensis 'Cosmopolitan'green leaves edged white with coppery red flowers |
Miscanthus Sinensis 'Zebrinus'attractive creamy-white or pale yellow horizontal bands on the leaves |
Miscanthus Sinensis 'Gracillimus'narrow leaves with silvery white veins turn bronze in autumn |
Miscanthus Sacchariflorusan attractive ornamental grass with large plumes |
Pleioblastus Viridistriatus(Pleioblastus viridistriatus) Available within 2 weeks Slow spreading, non-invasive, purplish can... |
Bamboo Pleioblastus Auricomus<I>(Arundinaria auricoma)</I> - very hardy bamboo growing up to 3 feet with purplish green canes ... |
Arundo Donax Var. Versicolor<i>(syn variegata)</i> - half hardy perennial grass with bamboo-like foliage which makes an attac... |
Bamboo Shibataea Kumasasacompact habit, leaves tinged gold when grown in full sun |
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