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Bedding (Annuals) Plants

Garden Centre > Plants > Bedding (Annuals)

We have found 774 bedding (annuals) plants from 8 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.89 to the most expensive at £189.99.

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Showing 501 to 520 of 774 Order by: price &darr | price ↑ | a-z | best selling

Pansy Can Can 24 Super Ready Plants
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Pansy Can Can 24 Super Ready Plants

The original and best ruffled pansy Despatched from late March and thereafter within 14 days of r...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Pansy Grande Fragrance 24 Super Ready Plants
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Pansy Grande Fragrance 24 Super Ready Plants

Beautifully scented Pansy with large flowers Despatched from late March and thereafter within 14 ...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Petunia Montage 24 Super Ready Plants
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Petunia Montage 24 Super Ready Plants

Cool shades of white and blue Despatched from late March and thereafter within 14 days of receipt...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Petunia Bolero 24 Super Ready Plants
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Petunia Bolero 24 Super Ready Plants

A pretty double flowered Petunia Despatched from late March and thereafter within 14 days of rece...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Petunia Grand Prix (Semi Trailing) 24 Super Ready Plants
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Petunia Grand Prix (Semi Trailing) 24 Super Ready Plants

Best selling Trailing Petunia will not fail to delight Despatched from late March and thereafter ...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Petunia Lake Garda 24 Super Ready Plants
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Petunia Lake Garda 24 Super Ready Plants

Grandiflora flowers with frilly edges in striking colours Despatched from late March and thereaft...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Petunia New Generation Capri Hardy 24 Super Ready Plants
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Petunia New Generation Capri Hardy 24 Super Ready Plants

An Excellent Performer Despatched from late March and thereafter within 14 days of receipt of ord...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Portulaca Sunnyside 24 Super Ready Plants
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Portulaca Sunnyside 24 Super Ready Plants

Large double flowered plant that loves hot and dry areas! Despatched from late April and thereaft...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Pansy Cascadia (Trailing) 24 Super Ready Plants
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Pansy Cascadia (Trailing) 24 Super Ready Plants

Unique Trailing Pansy perfect for hanging baskets Despatched from late March and thereafter withi...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Salvia Desert Fire 24 Super Ready Plants
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Salvia Desert Fire 24 Super Ready Plants

Vivid red plant with unrivalled heat tolerance Despatched from late March and thereafter within 1...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Salvia Seascape 24 Super Ready Plants
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Salvia Seascape 24 Super Ready Plants

Cool shades of blue in this pretty salvia Despatched from late March and thereafter within 14 day...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Salvia Sizzler 24 Super Ready Plants
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Salvia Sizzler 24 Super Ready Plants

Fantastic mix of colours with this Salvia Sizzler Despatched from late March and thereafter withi...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Salpiglossis Regale 24 Super Ready Plants
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Salpiglossis Regale 24 Super Ready Plants

Create a fantastic display with this Salpiglossis Despatched from late March and thereafter withi...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Sweet Pea Fragrant Mix 24 Super Ready Plants
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Sweet Pea Fragrant Mix 24 Super Ready Plants

Attractive, delicate, scented flowers that are a must in all gardens Despatched from late March a...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Wildflower Au Naturelle 24 Super Ready Plants
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Wildflower Au Naturelle 24 Super Ready Plants

Create a natural wild look for your garden Despatched from late March and thereafter within 14 da...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Gazania Sunrise 24 Super Ready Plants
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Gazania Sunrise 24 Super Ready Plants

Stunning Brightly Coloured Gazanias Despatched from late March and thereafter within 14 days of r...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Sweet Pea Sugar and Spice 24 Super Ready Plants
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Sweet Pea Sugar And Spice 24 Super Ready Plants

Attractive, delicate, highly scented flowers that are a must in all gardens Despatched from late ...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Verbena Glory Days 24 Super Ready Plants
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Verbena Glory Days 24 Super Ready Plants

A proven favourite of the past Despatched from late March and thereafter within 14 days of receip...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Viola Ochre (Trailing) 24 Super Ready Plants
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Viola Ochre (Trailing) 24 Super Ready Plants

A delicate flowered viola that will cascade over the sides of your pots Despatched from late Marc...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Zinnia Abundance 24 Super Ready Plants
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Zinnia Abundance 24 Super Ready Plants

Vibrant coloured daisy-like flowers loved by wildlife Despatched from late March and thereafter w...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on border ideas.

  • A garden flower photo
  • back border
  • Summer Border
  • View of the back garden June 08
  • Upper border 31 May

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