Secateurs & Loppers
Garden Centre > Hand Tools > Secateurs & Loppers
We have found 24 secateurs & loppers from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £4.49 to the most expensive at £69.99.
You can narrow your choice by - Garden Snips, Loppers, Secateurs.
Showing 21 to 40 of 24 Order by: price &darr | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
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Gardman Classic Anvil SecateursThe direct chopping action of anvil secateurs make them perfect for chopping tough dead wood. The... |
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Gardman Classic SnipsSnips are perfect for those light pruning tasks and more delicate stems. These long nosed snips o... |
Secateur SharpenerFantastic tool for sharpening your secateurs and loppers.A sharp blade makes your secateurs much ... |
The Flower Dead HeaderWith a polypropolene handle and super-sharp carbon steel blades, this nifty little tool will mak... |
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