Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs
We have found 4338 shrubs from 8 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £359.99.
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Showing 261 to 280 of 4338 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Buddleja Salvifoliagrey-green leaves and fragrant pale lilac blue flowers in late autumn and early winter |
Buddleja X Weyeriana 'Moonlight'cream-yellow flowers with a deeper orange eye and a trace of deep lavender in flower buds |
Bupleurum Fruticosumexcellent evergreen for coastal situations. Sea green foliage and yellow flowers. Difficult to p... |
Buxus Sempervirens 'Elegantissima'leaves green with irregular creamy-white margins |
Callicarpa Bodinieri Var Giraldii 'Profusion'lilac flowers followed by violet fruits borne in profusion in autumn |
Callicarpa Japonica 'Leucocarpa'pale pink flowers and large white fruits |
Callistemon Salignusone of the hardiest of the bottlebrushes with narrow willow-like leaves and pale yellow flowers |
Callistemon Viminalisattractive weeping habit with bright red flowers. Had proved hardy at Burncoose |
Calycanthus Floridus<i>(fertilis)</i> - shiny green leaves with attractive deep carmine magnolia-like flowers. |
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- Heron
- Steve
- Terratoonie
- Dottydaisy2
- Spritzhenry
- Fourseasons..
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