Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs
We have found 4338 shrubs from 8 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £359.99.
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Showing 381 to 400 of 4338 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Camellia 'Rubescens Major'Japonica. Crimson flowers with darker veining |
Camellia 'Ruby Wedding'x williamsii. Currant-red, anemone to paeony form with a dense upright habit |
Camellia 'scentuous'x williamsii. A cross between Tiffany and c.lutchuensis with white petals, blush pink on the bac... |
Camellia 'silver Anniversary'Japonica. Very large double paeony form, white |
Camellia 'sparkling Burgundy'Sasanqua. Early flowering rose-pink double |
Camellia 'strawberry Swirl'Japonica. Soft pink paeony flowers with white margins on the petals and an occasional rose stripe |
Camellia 'Tristrem Carlyon'Reticulata. Paeony form, red with central petaloids streaked white |
Camellia 'White Nun'Japonica. Large semi-double with thick petals of pure white |
Camellia 'Winton'Sasanqua x williamsii. Profusions of small dainty pink flowers similar to 'Cornish Snow' |
Cantua Buxifoliaattractive tender small shrub with drooping carmine pink tubular flowers in APRIL |
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- Heron
- Steve
- Terratoonie
- Dottydaisy2
- Spritzhenry
- Fourseasons..
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