Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs
We have found 4338 shrubs from 8 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £359.99.
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Showing 681 to 700 of 4338 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Hydrangea Sargentianalarge velvety green leaves, with bluish white florets |
Hydrangea 'selma'mophead with large dark red flowers which are pinker at the base. A new introduction |
Hydrangea Serrata 'Bluebird'Reddish-purple flowers on clay soils and sea-blue in acidic soils |
Cortaderia Richardiidensely tufted New Zealand species with creamy-white plumes which last well into winter |
Cortaderia Selloana 'splendid Star'a new introduction with startling bright yellow and green foliage |
Acacia Baileyanafluffy bright yellow mimosa flowers and fine silvery-grey foliage |
Boronia Heterophylladeep cerise pink flowers in profusion. A most attractive greenhouse or conservatory plant |
Callistemon Rigidushardy red bottlebrush which thrives in poor soils in full sun |
Dodonea Viscosayellow to mid green leaves with pinkish or brownish seed capsules |
Edgeworthia Chrysanthaa rare plant with spherical scented yellow flowers densely covered with silky white hairs |
Erythrina Crista Gallibeautiful rare semi-woody plant with racemes of waxen scarlet 'sweet pea' flowers |
Fremontodendron 'California Glory'requires a sunny position, flowers golden yellow |
Hydrangea 'Taube'The most stunning electric blue hydrangea we have seen. AM 1993 |
Melianthus Majorhandsome architectural evergreen for the herbaceous border in milder climates. Bluish green pinna... |
Michelia Doltsopa 'silver Cloud'vigorous habit with heavily felted brown undersides to the leaves and plentiful creamy-white scen... |
Mitraria Coccinea 'Lake Puyehue'free-flowering form with rich scarlet flowers. Very hardy |
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- Heron
- Steve
- Terratoonie
- Dottydaisy2
- Spritzhenry
- Fourseasons..
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