Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs
We have found 4338 shrubs from 8 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £359.99.
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Showing 1021 to 1040 of 4338 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Lophomyrtus X Ralphii 'Little Star'a very attractive dome-shaped small shrub with dense tiny white, pink and green leaves |
Lophomyrtus X Ralphii 'Multicolour'young shoots rose-pink becoming mottled green and greyish green margined creamy yellow |
Lophomyrtus X Ralphii 'Pixie'small rounded leaves which are an exceptional deep maroon in winter |
Lophomyrtus X Ralphii 'Red Dragon'new shoots brilliant red maturing to darker red |
Loropetalum Chinense 'Fire Dance'dark purple foilage and scented pink flowers in late winter |
Luma Apiculata 'Glanleam Gold'conspicuous creamy yellow margin to the leaves which are tinged pink in the winter |
Luma Chequen<i>(Myrtus Chequen)</i> - upright shrub with dark green leaves and cup-shaped white flower which ... |
Lupinus Arboreustree lupin flowers normally pale yellow but occasionally blue |
Magnolia X Wieseneri 'Ashild Kalleberg'bred in Gothenburg Botantic Gardens, this form is exceptionally hardy with pure white cup-shaped ... |
Magnolia Acuminata 'Koban Dori'soft canary-yellow blooms which open as the leaf appears in spring. Its neat pyramidical habit an... |
Magnolia 'Betty'petals purplish-red, white inside; suitable for smaller gardens |
Magnolia Campbellii Subsp. Mollicomata 'Lanarth'large cyclamen-purple flowers of this subspecies of M. mollicomata raised at Lanarth |
Magnolia 'Daphne'in our opinion this is easily the best and darkest yellow yet to appear on the market. The flower... |
Magnolia 'George Henry Kern'cross between stellata and liliiflora with rich rose-red petals |
Magnolia Grandiflora 'Little Gem'narrow columnar habit and small white flowers. Leaves heavily felted rust. |
Magnolia 'Heaven Scent'Gresham hybrid with goblet-shaped flowers pink outside and white inside. Strongly lavender scented |
Magnolia 'Hot Flash'narrow deep yellow flowers each with a pink flush at the base. Grows to only about 8 meters |
Magnolia 'Ian's Red'rich claret coloured blooms. This will become a very popular variety especially as it grows to on... |
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- Heron
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