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Trees & Hedging Plants

Garden Centre > Plants > Trees & Hedging

We have found 1151 trees & hedging plants from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £4,737.99.

Our guide on Trees may be worth a visit if you need some help deciding.

Showing 821 to 840 of 1151 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling

MAGNOLIA 'Brixton Belle'

Magnolia 'Brixton Belle'

this excellent hybrid flowers at a very young age. Large cup and saucer blooms, rich pink outsid...

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MAGNOLIA acuminata 'Honey Liz'

Magnolia Acuminata 'Honey Liz'

a hybrid between M. ?Miss Honeybee? and M. ?Elizabeth?. Large upright almost painted yellow flowers

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MAGNOLIA 'Cleopatra'

Magnolia 'Cleopatra'

similar in colour to M. ?Lanarth? this new New Zealand hybrid is a rich reddish purple with a met...

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MAGNOLIA 'Joe McDaniel'

Magnolia 'Joe Mc Daniel'

M. soulangeana ?Rustica Rubra? crossed with M. veitchii with deep purple flowers

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MAGNOLIA 'Pickard's Schmetterling'

Magnolia 'Pickard's Schmetterling'

large slender, upright flowers which are creamy white but flushed reddish-purple at the base. Ho...

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MAGNOLIA 'Golden Sun'

Magnolia 'Golden Sun'

large dark yellow flowers

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Magnolia 'Peachy'

an unusual but striking hyrid between M. acuminata and M. sprengeri diva. Tepals are orange-red o...

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MAGNOLIA dawsoniana 'Chyverton Red?

Magnolia Dawsoniana 'Chyverton Red?

Reddish to crimson flowers on this dawsoniana hybrid bred at Chyverton in Cornwall

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MAGNOLIA 'Albatross'

Magnolia 'Albatross'

bred by Peter Borlase of Lanhydrock this excellent and vigorous hybrid has large white flowers wh...

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Magnolia 'Apollo'

rich violet-purple flowers at first turning purple-rosy-violet later. Highly scented

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Magnolia 'Athene'

Jury hybrid with white flowers shading to pink at the base

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Magnolia 'Atlas'

Jury hybrid with soft pink petals which are white inside. A sister seedling to Iolanthe

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MAGNOLIA campbellii 'Darjeeling'



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MAGNOLIA campbellii 'Princess Margaret'

Magnolia Campbellii 'Princess Margaret'

large flowers red-purple on the outside and cream inside.

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MAGNOLIA campbellii 'Sidbury'

Magnolia Campbellii 'sidbury'

very early flowering campellii originating from Sidbury Manor in Devon in 1946

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MAGNOLIA 'Cecil Nice'

Magnolia 'Cecil Nice'

an absolute picture when in full flower with row upon row of upright white flowers

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MAGNOLIA denudata 'Gere'

Magnolia Denudata 'Gere'

flowers two or three weeks later than the typical species with simple ivory white flowers

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MAGNOLIA 'Golden Endeavour'

Magnolia 'Golden Endeavour'

medium sized cup-shaped flowers with a green flush at the base

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MAGNOLIA 'Golden Joy'

Magnolia 'Golden Joy'

later flowering hybrid with upright rich golden-yellow flowers as the leaves emerge. A darker yel...

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MAGNOLIA 'Iolanthe'

Magnolia 'Iolanthe'

Jury hybrid with large cup-shaped rose-pink flowers which are white inside

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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our pages on trees, and hedge plants.

  • Prunus incisa - Snow showers (Prunus incisa)
  • Sunset behind the Poplar
  • From tiny acorns mighty oak trees grow
  • Donadea Forest
  • Strange Sky - My garden at 3.30pm today.
  • Cherry blossom lined path

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